Collecting observations data for Australia
Australia has one of the world's most extensive observation networks. It delivers quality data for forecasts, climate outlooks and other vital services.
This network extends across land, sea, sky and space. It includes radars, satellites, ocean buoys, river gauges and much more. Learn about meteorological observing equipment in our Radar and equipment knowledge centre.
Most data collection is automated but volunteers and other observers across Australia make a vital contribution to this essential service.
Volunteers in our observation network
Volunteers have been recording weather, climate and water data for the Bureau since 1908. Our volunteer networks include:
- weather observers
- rainfall and river height observers
- storm spotters
- volunteers at sea – learn about the Australian Voluntary Observing Fleet.
We currently have enough volunteer observers to meet the Bureau's needs.
In this section
Find out about our 10-year program to deliver Flood warning network upgrades.
Learn about new radars and other upgrades that are part of the Radar and observation network upgrades.
Find out how we manage recent observations on our website and app, and ensure data quality – see Observation details.
Explore the Kennaook / Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution Station, which measures the composition of Earth's atmosphere. Data from this station supports international understanding about climate change.