What we offer our partners

We offer access to the most comprehensive and accurate weather, climate, water, ocean and space weather data available for Australia and beyond. Our technology is state-of-the-art and integrated with national networks.

We can tailor our products and services to your needs. For example, this might include:

  • dynamic, 24-hour observations, forecasts, warnings and analysis
  • consultancy, research, expert advice and guidance on policy development
  • meteorologists and other specialists to take part in day-to-day operations and train your people
  • cross-government coordination of national and multi-region programs
  • regional presence and local support.

Who can partner with us

Your organisation can explore a partnership with us if the arrangement will:

  • bring economic, safety or other benefits to communities in Australia or overseas
  • extend the value and impact of our services.

We can partner with:

  • industry organisations and peak bodies
  • public agencies
  • Australian and international governments at federal, state and local levels
  • research and development organisations, including academic institutions.
Explore our partnerships