Explore weather across different environments
We provide weather forecasts and information for a range of environments across Australia.
You'll find information for heatwave, coasts and oceans on this website. For other specialised forecasts and observations, visit our current website – we're still building this new one.
Coasts and oceans
Detailed weather forecasts and observations for marine areas, including coastal and local waters, seas, oceans and some lakes. You'll find information on weather, wind, waves, tides and more. Our coasts and oceans section also includes marine weather safety information.
Rainfall and river conditions
Explore rainfall and river conditions around the country. Find recent rainfall amounts, river heights and whether a river is in flood.
Our heatwave service includes heatwave warnings, forecasts and assessments of recent conditions. We issue heatwave forecasts and warnings from October until the end of March. Depending on conditions, the service may start earlier or finish later.
Tropical cyclone
We keep a 24-hour watch on tropical cyclones and tropical lows in our region. Australia's tropical cyclone season runs from November to April. These powerful storms can happen at other times but this is rare.
Aviation forecasts and warnings
We provide weather information for the aviation industry to support safety and efficiency. This includes specialised observations, forecasts, warnings and advice.
Space weather
Space weather can disrupt GPS navigation and radio communication. It can also damage satellites and the electricity transmission network. We forecast space weather so that industries likely to be affected can reduce risks.
Alpine regions
Our alpine weather information covers snow resorts, towns and remote areas. You can check detailed forecasts for the next 7 days to plan activities and stay safe in the high country.
We issue tsunami watches and warnings for Australia, offshore territories and the Indian Ocean. We do this on behalf of the Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre, which we run with Geoscience Australia.