Research benefits for all Australians

Our research aims to deliver world class information that Australians can use with confidence.

We're advancing technology and automation, improving accuracy and increasing the lead time for warnings and predictions.

This means more frequent and timely information to keep Australians safe, and support our economy.

Research priorities to 2030

Our research efforts focus on five priority areas:

These priorities are part of our Research and Development Plan 2020–2030, available on our Research and development page.

Independent advice on research priorities

A committee of international scientists called the Science Advisory Committee gives us independent advice on science priorities and research opportunities.

Contributing to global research efforts

We collaborate with national and international organisations to tackle the most significant research and development challenges of our times. Our partners include:

  • the World Meteorological Organization and related networks, programs and working groups
  • Australian universities, research institutes and associated Centres of Excellence
  • international meteorological agencies
  • National Computing Infrastructure (NCI)
  • public and private sector organisations.

Developing an international modelling framework

We work with an international consortium, called the Momentum partnership, to develop a shared modelling system. It explores solutions to a range of modelling and science issues for weather and climate prediction.

From research to operations

This includes high-quality environmental modelling and data post-processing solutions that support operational weather, climate, water, marine and Antarctic services.

We also conduct research related to operations that drives innovation and enhances our ability to create services that have impact.

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