Wardaman is used to describe the language, land and people traditionally associated with an area of land to the southwest of what is now Katherine township in the Northern Territory. Wardaman land includes country from the upper reaches of the Flora River in the north to Scott Creek in the north-west. It also includes country south along the major waterways towards the Victoria river in the west and to Romula Knob in the east.
Wardaman seasons
There are 4 distinct major weather patterns recognised in the Wardaman seasonal cycle. The seasons are primarily defined by weather patterns and also by environmental events such as plant flowering and fruiting and animal behavioural patterns.
The onset and duration of the seasons varies significantly from year to year and the calendar months are provided as a guide only.
Yijilg – wet season

During Yijilg, Yidawurru (watermelon) grows along roadsides
Late summer: December to February
Heavy rains and flooding.
Lifestyle of the Wardaman communities during Yijilg
This is the wet season when rain falls daily, often in large amounts. Often, travel is restricted due to flooding and the boggy nature of heavy soils on black soil plains.
Fruits available in this season include Bungen (Desert Fig), Buda (Black Plum) and Julamarran (Bushweed).
In the past, Wolon (Black Speargrass) was used to make a covering for bush houses which were constructed in Yijilg to provide protection from rain.
Towards the end of Yijilg and into Wulujujun, the Berndeny (Bush Sugar Cane) is succulent and juicy. The stems are chewed and sucked to get the sweet liquid inside. They're broken into short lengths so they can be carried easily.
Yidawurru (watermelon) is found often growing along roadsides and is much sought after.
The Bawujin (bush potato) is best dug up in the Yijilg season when they are fat and juicy after the rains. The small disc-shaped tubers or yams are dug up, washed and eaten. They're a favourite among children. The dark flowers, Ngayal, on the stem hang downwards and point to areas where other yams may be found.
Wulujujun – end of the wet season
Autumn: February to March
Last of the rains.
Lifestyle of the Wardaman communities during Wulujujun
Fruit available include Magorigori (Wild Grapegfruit), Yiwung (Black Currant Tree), Mlyarlunguj (Native Currant), Julamarran (Bush Weed), Menyjeng (Terminalia erythrocarpa) and Mordon (Vigna lanceolata, V. vexillata). Magulu (Aerial Yam), Megerrman/Gawkawili (Pencil Yam) and Gayalarrin (Typhonium liliifollum) are also available.
The Gayalarrin tuber is washed repeatedly, smashed on a stone and cooked on hot ashes. The process is repeated before eating. The leaves are only visible in the Wulujujun season but the tuber is available all year round. This plant can be found on black soil country, Bern-gijin.

When Magorigori (Wild Grapefruit) fruits are ripe, it's a sign Blue-tongued Lizards, Burarriman and Yarringa, are fat enough to eat
The ripe fruit of the Yiwung are dark blue to black and are a highly regarded food resource. They are produced at the end of this season. Various birds and fruit bats also eat the fruit. Harlequin bugs are often found on this species.
The fruit of the Magorigori (Wild Grapefruit) are eaten when black and ripe. They're sweet to taste but leave a sour after taste. When the fruits are ripe, it's a sign Blue-tongued Lizards, Burarriman and Yarringa, are fat and ready to catch and eat.
Wujerrijin – dry season
Winter: April to September
Cold weather and dry weather.
Lifestyle of the Wardaman communities during Wujerrijin
This is the dry season when the weather is cold and no rain falls. The skies are generally clear of clouds. Jegban (bush turkey), Gangman (kangaroo) and Walanja (goanna) will be fat enough to eat. Gardi (waterlily seeds), are now ready for collection to eat raw or make into damper.
Fruits available in this season include Lerrwewen (Sandpaper Figs), Merdengdeng (Ficus scobina), Jamagarra (Bur Tree), Buda (Black Plum), Manamurran (Grewia retusifolia), Mardulg (cantalope small leaf), Ngarlwog (cantalope large leaf), Mardarrgu (Ziziphus quadrilocularis) and Julamarran (Briedelia tomentosa). The seeds of Bardigi (Crocodile Tree) and the tubers of Ginyuwurru (Bush Onion) are also available to be eaten.
The fruit of the Ngarlwog is eaten when ripe and pale green to yellow in colour. The hairs are washed or rubbed off the skin of the fruit before eating as they can irritate the lips and tongue. The fruit of the Mardulg is also eaten when the fruit is ripe, pale green to yellow. As for Ngarlwog, the fruit needs to be prepared before eating to avoid irritation. Bitter fruits can be cooked or softened in hot sand that has been heated under a fire.
The fruit of the Buda are eaten when they are black and ripe. They are sweet and very pleasant tasting. The fruits can be dried, mixed with red ochre and stored wrapped in paperbark envelope for later use. Fruit are available at the end of the Wujerrijin or early Yijilg seasons. The rain bird, Juwogban, calls out when it is time to collect the fruit and eat them. Dry, straight branches and stems are used as firesticks, Jinggiyn or bush matches, to light fires.
The small tubers of the Ginyuwurru are dug up and may be eaten raw or after cooking in hot coals and ashes. The tubers are collected in Wujerrijin season when they are properly formed after the wet.
Bardigi fruit are cracked open with stones and the seed inside is taken out and eaten. Bardigi bark is used as medicine for scabies and measles. It is boiled in water and the liquid is used as a wash. The bark is also boiled in water and used as a dye for dyeing
Ngurruwun – hot season
Summer: September to November
Very hot ground, some inconsistent rain.
Lifestyle of the Wardaman communities during Ngurruwun
This is the hot weather time when the ground becomes very hot to walk on. The first rains begin but they are inconsistent. It is also the time of flowering for many plants including Binin and Dangirndi (Tea Tree). Bardigi (Nut Tree), Galarwarriny (Boughleaf Cabbage Gum) and Yiwung (Black Currant Tree).
Fruits available in this season include Gulid (Green Plum), Mirdiwan (Cluster Fig) and Belwern (Syzygium eucalyptoides and S. forte). Jen-gen (Red-flowering Kurrajong) begins to flower to indicate the start of this season.
The appearance of March flies in September or October indicates the end of the dry season and beginning of the buildup. When they start biting it also indicates that freshwater crocodiles are laying their eggs.
The ripe pale pink fruit of the Belwern (Pink Apple) are ready to eat. The fruit can be collected by scooping them off the top of the water as they float along with the current. This species grows in the river country, Yirrgulun. The fruit of the Belwern (White Apple) are also ready to eat. The papery bark can be used to cover ground ovens, which is then covered with dirt ready for cooking. The species also grows in Yirrgulun.
The fruit of the Gulid (Green Plum) are eaten when ripe, green but soft to touch. The fruits are considered to have high Vitamin C levels. Flowers are produced during the hot, dry period, the same time that mango trees flower. Some birds, Jigjig eat the flowers. The fruits are also eaten by kangaroos and wallabies, Gangman, and some birds such as parrots and friar birds. Fruit are available when the early rains are falling, the same time that mango fruit are produced. The fruit are often collected from the ground.
The swollen tap root of the young Gulid plants can be eaten raw or roasted. The leaves and bark can be boiled in water and the liquid used as a washing medicine to treat skin sores and scabies. The young roots of this plant are used to treat toothache. The roots are heated on the fire and then held against the painful tooth to relieve pain.
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